
It sounds odd but when we work we rely on L.U.C.K.

No don’t worry not luck, but instead we listen, understand, create and kickstart your business and therefore your future. 

Our philosophy is centered around a desire to help not hinder. 

Too many web agencies over-complicate their process to the point of harming their clients initial vision and desire. But not us.

Here’s how we work:

We Listen

Everything starts with a chat.

Whether over a coffee or down the phone, our years of experience consulting small businesses and startups mean we can help you decide what exactly it is you need.

Sometimes people approach us thinking they need X doing but through careful consideration and an honest and open chat we might all decide that Y would better suit their business needs.

We need to know what your business does, why it does what it does and how it goes about what it does. 

This stage includes:

  1. Discovery workshops
  2. Brand analysis
  3. Client research
  4. Competitor analysis

We Understand

Measure twice cut once. Understand sounds a bit wishy washy but it stops us rushing into a project only to find an issue further down the line that could have been avoided with careful planning and a comprehensive strategy.

This is the calm before the creative storm. Often occurring unconsciously as we sleep, ideas fly around and eventually order themselves in our brain ready for the wave of intense production to crash.

Understanding your brief means making lists, scribbling on post it notes and pouring over our ideas until we are 100% happy with our plan. 

This stage includes:

  1. Brand strategy
  2. Detailed proposal
  3. Wireframing
  4. Creative strategy

We Create

This is the exciting part, for both of us. We get stuck into the making.

Once all those unconscious thoughts and ideas come into place we begin to create the best solution to your brief. Don’t worry though you can be as involved or as removed as you want. We are flexible and efficient, which in our eyes is a winning combination.

This stage includes:

  1. Design
  2. Web design
  3. Coding
  4. Brand guidelines

We Kickstart Your Future

Finally and most importantly we hand over your dream site. 

By this point we have perfected your brief and brought it to life. But we don’t just leave it on your doorstep and walk away instead we stick around to kickstart your future. 

You will need to know how to feed the dream and so we will always be here to help. Ask us questions, we love to answer them!

This stage includes:

  1. Handover instructions 
  2. Long-term online strategy
  3. Social media assistance
  4. Digital marketing tools

This is a process that works for everything we do at Breakaway. From web design to digital marketing to professional product or lifestyle photography and even copywriting and content creation

Now you know how we work why wait any longer before you make the break. Join the breakaway and together we’ll hold off the bunch.*

*cycling jargon

Adventurous brands trust Breakaway Digital

A digital agency specialising in adventurous brands.

Ask us anything. From basic questions to complex queries about your approach to strategy, research, content and design. Dan is always happy to chat.+44 7739 967 031

Get in touch today